Everyone prediction is life time of a heroine in Tollywood is mostly 10 years but not more than that, this is applicable to our industry mostly in Bollywood and all we have seen many heroines who are continuing their career successfully even after 10 years like Ishwarya ray, Kareena kapoor.
There is one lady who is proceeding in career by beating this principle she is none other than Shriya she has been into industry over 12 years ago she did more than 50 films even in Telugu , Hindi , Tamil and Kannada. Now she is going on with her career. She had recently done “Mid night children” and it got released and she is getting applause from the audience for her role Parvathi.
Now she is doing two lady lead films “Pavithra” and “Chandra” in Tamil and Kannada. The interesting thing she is going to be doing a call girl character in “Pavithra” where as a complete opposite role in “Chandra”. It is the biggest challenge to perform two opposite roles at a time.
Let’s see whether Shriya will be successful in doing so.All the best Shriya.
There is one lady who is proceeding in career by beating this principle she is none other than Shriya she has been into industry over 12 years ago she did more than 50 films even in Telugu , Hindi , Tamil and Kannada. Now she is going on with her career. She had recently done “Mid night children” and it got released and she is getting applause from the audience for her role Parvathi.
Now she is doing two lady lead films “Pavithra” and “Chandra” in Tamil and Kannada. The interesting thing she is going to be doing a call girl character in “Pavithra” where as a complete opposite role in “Chandra”. It is the biggest challenge to perform two opposite roles at a time.
Let’s see whether Shriya will be successful in doing so.All the best Shriya.
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