Art Director Anand Sai is a person who values work over money. He came into film industry with help of his friend Pawan Kalyan. He has created a Taj Mahal set in 'Tholi Prema' his first movie, but was not trusted by director or producer. After the movie released, the set and the maker was much applauded. He reveals that Pawan Kalyan has asked to take his remuneration for the set so that if it fails, Anand Sai would not be at loss. He then got very good offers like Sainikudu, Dhammu, Yama Donga etc.
Art Director Anand Sai Credits Friend Pawan Kalyan For His Journey in TFI
Art Director Anand Sai is a person who values work over money. He came into film industry with help of his friend Pawan Kalyan. He has created a Taj Mahal set in 'Tholi Prema' his first movie, but was not trusted by director or producer. After the movie released, the set and the maker was much applauded. He reveals that Pawan Kalyan has asked to take his remuneration for the set so that if it fails, Anand Sai would not be at loss. He then got very good offers like Sainikudu, Dhammu, Yama Donga etc.
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