It is an upcoming Tollywood film based on horror, thriller backdrop. The movie is being directed by Ravi Babu and being produced by Ravi Babu and D. Suresh Babu made on flying frogs and Suresh productions banner.The film is a sequel to film Avunu which was made in the year 2012. The movie casts have been portrayed by Harshvardhan Rane and Poorna in the main leading role.
Avunu 2 Movie Release Date Trailer- Ravi Babu, Harshvardhan, Poorna
It is an upcoming Tollywood film based on horror, thriller backdrop. The movie is being directed by Ravi Babu and being produced by Ravi Babu and D. Suresh Babu made on flying frogs and Suresh productions banner.The film is a sequel to film Avunu which was made in the year 2012. The movie casts have been portrayed by Harshvardhan Rane and Poorna in the main leading role.
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