A horrific chain snatching incident occurred in broad daylight in Kanpur. This incident happened in Gandhigram locality of Kanpur. One can see a 55-years-old woman named Kamala entering into her house from the front gate. Just then the chain snatcher approached her suddenly. After a fight between the two, the chain snatcher manages to escape after grabbing the chain. The woman is injured in this incident.
Caught On Cam: Chain snatched from woman in broad daylight
A horrific chain snatching incident occurred in broad daylight in Kanpur. This incident happened in Gandhigram locality of Kanpur. One can see a 55-years-old woman named Kamala entering into her house from the front gate. Just then the chain snatcher approached her suddenly. After a fight between the two, the chain snatcher manages to escape after grabbing the chain. The woman is injured in this incident.
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