With Aam Aadmi Party suffering with rift between top leaders, senior member from Maharashtra Anjali Damania has quit over allegations of horse-trading against party chief Arvind Kejriwal. Damania mentioned the video of a news report by a TV channel featuring the audio sting having telephone conversation between a former AAP legislator Rajesh Garg and a man who he alleges is Kejriwal. The tape alleges that Kejriwal wanted to take Congress's support before dissolving the Assembly in 2014.
Crisis in AAP, party leader Anjali Damania quits citing sting
With Aam Aadmi Party suffering with rift between top leaders, senior member from Maharashtra Anjali Damania has quit over allegations of horse-trading against party chief Arvind Kejriwal. Damania mentioned the video of a news report by a TV channel featuring the audio sting having telephone conversation between a former AAP legislator Rajesh Garg and a man who he alleges is Kejriwal. The tape alleges that Kejriwal wanted to take Congress's support before dissolving the Assembly in 2014.
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