MS Dhoni stormed in to the Indian team with a whirlwind innings at Visakhapatnam by sending the ball out of the park through his eccentric shots which later became famous as helicopter shots. Dhoni has surpassed Sourav Ganguly in the maximum number of wins as a captain and today he became the leading captain of India who had 9 successive wins in a World cup beating Ganguly's 8.
Is it still Dhoni's Team India winning World Cup matches?
MS Dhoni stormed in to the Indian team with a whirlwind innings at Visakhapatnam by sending the ball out of the park through his eccentric shots which later became famous as helicopter shots. Dhoni has surpassed Sourav Ganguly in the maximum number of wins as a captain and today he became the leading captain of India who had 9 successive wins in a World cup beating Ganguly's 8.
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