Actor Jagapathi Babu's eldest daughter Meghana got married on March 8. The wedding ceremony was held at Hotel Westin in Hyderabad. Meghana , who did her masters from Lowa University, USA, loved and got married to an American, Chad Bowen, whom she met during her stay in USA. The marriage was a private event and some of the close friends of Jagapathi Babu from the film fraternity attended the ceremony. Venkatesh, Arjun, Ramya Krishna and Murali Mohan were spotted at the event having a gala time.
Jagapathi Babu's Daughter Marries American Chad Bowen
Actor Jagapathi Babu's eldest daughter Meghana got married on March 8. The wedding ceremony was held at Hotel Westin in Hyderabad. Meghana , who did her masters from Lowa University, USA, loved and got married to an American, Chad Bowen, whom she met during her stay in USA. The marriage was a private event and some of the close friends of Jagapathi Babu from the film fraternity attended the ceremony. Venkatesh, Arjun, Ramya Krishna and Murali Mohan were spotted at the event having a gala time.
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