Kolkata Knight Rider's controversial spinner Sunil Narine underwent a testing process at the Sri Ramachandran Medical College in Chennai. He was asked by the BCCI to undergo Test even after being cleared by the ICC, due to which KKR was furious. BCCI President Jagmohan Dalmiya had said in Kolkata that there is no such rule which says that once a bowler gets his action cleared by a lab he can't go through another round of testing to prove himself. The spinner went through the tests in the presence of top KKR officials and other experts.
KKR's Controversial Spinner Sunil Narine Undergoes Test in Chennai
Kolkata Knight Rider's controversial spinner Sunil Narine underwent a testing process at the Sri Ramachandran Medical College in Chennai. He was asked by the BCCI to undergo Test even after being cleared by the ICC, due to which KKR was furious. BCCI President Jagmohan Dalmiya had said in Kolkata that there is no such rule which says that once a bowler gets his action cleared by a lab he can't go through another round of testing to prove himself. The spinner went through the tests in the presence of top KKR officials and other experts.
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