Following the sentiment of Ram Charan's launch , the mega camp tried to launch Varun Tej under Puri Jagannadh direction but Puri told them an eccentric story which made the mega camp chocked and dropped the idea. Later Puri made the same film with Nithin as 'Heart Attack'and he was so connected to that movie that Puri himself produced it. Now second time also Puri is making the movie with Nithin which was meant for Varun as his project with Krish is finalised . . .
Nithin grabs Puri Jagannadh movies cancelled with Varun Tej
Following the sentiment of Ram Charan's launch , the mega camp tried to launch Varun Tej under Puri Jagannadh direction but Puri told them an eccentric story which made the mega camp chocked and dropped the idea. Later Puri made the same film with Nithin as 'Heart Attack'and he was so connected to that movie that Puri himself produced it. Now second time also Puri is making the movie with Nithin which was meant for Varun as his project with Krish is finalised . . .
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