One might be aware that Shah Rukh Khan starrer 'Fan' production team went to Madame Tussauds to shoot a movie sequence. The Maneesh Sharma's upcoming project featuring Shah Rukh becomes the first film to shoot at this major tourist attraction. King Khan, who will be seen in a double role, will be playing a superstar and a middle-class man who looks just like the star. Madame Tussauds has a display of Amitabh, Aishwarya, Hrithik, Shah Rukh and Katrina Kaif statues.
Shah Rukh Khan's FAN Becomes First Film To Shoot At Madame Tussauds
One might be aware that Shah Rukh Khan starrer 'Fan' production team went to Madame Tussauds to shoot a movie sequence. The Maneesh Sharma's upcoming project featuring Shah Rukh becomes the first film to shoot at this major tourist attraction. King Khan, who will be seen in a double role, will be playing a superstar and a middle-class man who looks just like the star. Madame Tussauds has a display of Amitabh, Aishwarya, Hrithik, Shah Rukh and Katrina Kaif statues.
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