Prime accused in Satyam fraud case, Ramalinga Raju said to the judge of special CBI Court that he has done nothing wrong and has done lot of charity. He made his own arguments in front of the Judge. As known, the special CBI court of Hyderabad pronounced all the 10 people guilty in the sensational corporate scandal involving the Satyam Computers. When asked that you are guilty in this case, what you have to say, the founder of Satyam said that he brought repute with his IT Company and his 108, 104 programmes, and charity with 'Birraju' foundation has helped many poor and needy people.
Done Nothing Wrong, Did Lot of Charity : Ramalinga Raju to Judge
Prime accused in Satyam fraud case, Ramalinga Raju said to the judge of special CBI Court that he has done nothing wrong and has done lot of charity. He made his own arguments in front of the Judge. As known, the special CBI court of Hyderabad pronounced all the 10 people guilty in the sensational corporate scandal involving the Satyam Computers. When asked that you are guilty in this case, what you have to say, the founder of Satyam said that he brought repute with his IT Company and his 108, 104 programmes, and charity with 'Birraju' foundation has helped many poor and needy people.
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