Jana Sena party founder Pawan Kalyan has posted the harsh comments against Andhra Pradesh government on Twitter. Actor turned politician has faulted AP government's move on land pooling process and its submission in the High Court that it will apply land pooling act on those farmers who are refusing to offer their lands. Pawan Kalyan has clarified that if the government acts against the will of the farmers then he will fight against the AP government.
Pawan Kalyan ready to fight against AP govt, clarifies on Twitter
Jana Sena party founder Pawan Kalyan has posted the harsh comments against Andhra Pradesh government on Twitter. Actor turned politician has faulted AP government's move on land pooling process and its submission in the High Court that it will apply land pooling act on those farmers who are refusing to offer their lands. Pawan Kalyan has clarified that if the government acts against the will of the farmers then he will fight against the AP government.
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