The special court has declared punishments for Ramalinga Raju and ten others today, who were found guilty in the Satyam Computers Scam. Ramalinga Raju and ten others were sentenced with 7 years jail term. Ramalinga Raju and his brother Rama Raju were fined Rs. 5 crore. All others were fined Rs.25 lakhs just. The two Raju brothers faced charges under Section 409 of IPC, a provision which attracted the maximum punishment.

Ramalinga Raju has appealed the court to reduce the jail punishment keeping in perspective of his social services but the special court judge Chakravarthy turned down his appeals. The special court has slapped a fine of Rs 25 lakh for former chief financial officer Vadlamani Srinivas, former PwC auditors Subramani Gopalakrishnan and T Srinivas, Raju’s another brother B Suryanarayana Raju, former employees G Ramakrishna, D Venkatpathy Raju and Ch Srisailam and Satyam’s former internal chief auditor VS Prabhakar Gupta.

Thus, he and all others may be moved to Cherlapally jail today directly from the court. Since, Ramalinga Raju has spent nearly three years in the jail he needs to finish rest of the period. However, he may take bail and appeal in the high court.

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