Telangana Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao seems to be following late CM YS Rajasekhar Reddy and his populist schemes. In what is seen as a close similarity to YSR's regime, KCR granted special amount to his own constituency. K Chandrasekhar Rao has granted an amount of Rs. 25 Crores for the development of Gajwel constituency in Medak district. The fund, under the Gajwel Development Authority, will be utilized to fulfill all the promises he had made to the people of Gajwel during his election campaign.

Commenting on the release of grant,  KCR said, "This is only the beginning. I will assure the people of Gajwel that they will get many more benefits  for livelihood, education, welfare etc." Besides setting up a development authority  KCR had assured a corpus of Rs.50 crore for the water , power, drainage, housing etc.

It may be recalled that YS Rajasekhar Reddy personally granted several funds to Pulivendula constituency from where he represnts Legislative Assembly. Apart from funds, he tried to make it as a power centre for growth, development and allotted many research institutes, industries, educational institutions, universities in Pulivendula and Kadapa district. Looks like, KCR is going the same route to garner the attention of Gajwel people.

Contrast to this, Chandra Babu Naidu who is statesman preferred development of state as whole rather than focusing his own constituency Kuppam. He is credited for developing Hyderabad over Kuppam and made it as a software hub. That's the difference folks. 

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