Telugu Film, Arjun Reddy is made on a small budget by Sandeep Reddy Vanga, the director and his elder brother. The movie became a huge blockbuster even though it got an 'A' certificate from CBFC. 

It made Vijay Deverakonda a star and now, Bollywood actor, Arjun Kapoor is mostly confirmed to play the character in Hindi. 

There is a talk that Sandeep himself will be directing the film in Hindi with Ranveer Singh or Varun Dhawan as the lead actors. But Arjun Kapoor has decided to star in the film and with producer Murad Khetani he put in some money to secure the rights as per the sources. 

The sources revealed to a popular daily, " Arjun Kapoor earlier worked on Ki & Ka, on profit share basis. Now, he did not want to burden the producer with his remuneration and also, the actor doesn't want the movie to be compromised for commercial purpose. So, he is planning to work with the same director if possible, to make it a good film." 

The source did not confirm will Sandeep be directing the film. The said, " The final decision will be made about Sandeep's involvement once the director and Arjun Kapoor have a meeting this month-end or early in February." Already, director Bala who made Sivaputhrudu started the movie, Arjun Reddy in Tamil with Vikram's son, Dhruv. 

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