RGV helmed a short film titled as 'God, and Truth' starring Mia Malkova. As she is already a pornstar, Mia went nude in the short film. The poster features buck naked Mia Malkova sitting on the couch and RGV who seems to be directing her. The dummy poster has created enough buzz about the short film. However it has been a dream come true for RGV who wanted to do a movie with a pornstar. Mia Malkova also shared that she is glad working with him. Â
Whatever it may be, the audience are confused when RGV is doing films and releasing them. He stated that he is directing the biopic of legendary actor NTR and even released the poster of it. Now, he said that he shot a shortfilm with pornstar in Europe and unveiled the poster of it. It seems like only RGV only knows what he is doing.
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