Manchu Lakshmi produced 'Dongata' movie in 2015 and she didn't produce any other movie after that film. She is playing the lead role in 'W/o Ram' and she is also bankrolling the project. Rajamouli's former assistant Vijay Nelakanti is debuting as a director with this film. Manchu Lakshmi revealed the title of the film just a while ago through her Twitter account. She tweeted that "As promised, here it is! W/O RAM, title of my next. She's coming your way, be ready to witness her story. In theatres, this Summer 2018."
An FIR copy is shown in the video shared by Manchu Lakshmi. They have shown the name Deeksha first and then 'W/o Ram' title indicating that it is a crime thriller. Most of her recent films turned out to be duds at the box office. So, Manchu lady is trying to score a hit with this film. On the other hand, no assistant of Rajamouli delivered a hit as a director till now. We have to wait and see whether this director will break the jinx for Manchu Lakshmi or not.
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