Not just that, the yesteryear Superstar Krishna fans were seen celebrating 50 years of 'Asadhyudu' recently. These things are quite common for us but heroine Richa Gangopadhyay didn't get the concept. She tweeted that "I never understood the concept of celebrating the anniversaries. 'Years since the release of movie X' in Telugu/Tamil film industries...we don't celebrate Hollywood releases like that... otherwise, Happy 20th anniversary of Titanic?"
Richa who is known for films like 'leader' and 'Mirchi' may find it confusing because she is an NRI. It is interesting to see how the die-heard fans are going to react on these satires.
If we talk about the positive side of these anniversaries.. It is far better to celebrate an anniversary of a film than trolling other star's films and conducting vicious campaigns to damage the box office prospects their films. What say folks?
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