In Bollywood movies, the beauties often give an eyefeast for the fans with two piece bikinis and set the temperature to high. The trend is slowly increasing in Tollywood as well. Pooja Hedge who impressed the audience with traditional look in Mukunda flaunted her sexy side with bikini in Allu Arjun's DJ Duvvada Jagannadham movie. Now, another beauty is proving that she is not an exception when it comes to glamour show. 

Two beauties Tridha Chowdary and Amyra Dastur are playing the female leads in Sundeep Kishan's Manasuku Nachindi movie. Tridha is already known for Telugu audience as she played the lady love of Nikhil in Surya vs Surya. Though she looked stylish in first movie, Tridha is looking extremely sexy in this film. The scene where she walks by the beach in her two piece bikini is making the fans go crazy. Almost all the actresses seem to increase their glamour dose. But Tridha is maximizing her glamour show and is giving a treat for fans. 

Prince Mahesh Babu sister Manjula is helming this project. Aanandi Art Productions with Indira Productions Banner is bankrolling this project. This romantic entertainer is gearing up to hit the silver screens in the last week of January. Let's see how the movie is going to be. 

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