Rakul is currently working very hard to prove her talent in Bollywood and is making use of every opportunity that knocks on her door. Her upcoming movie Aiyaary is all set to hit the theatres on February 9th. Bollywood hero Siddharth Malhotra is playing the lead and versatile actor Manoj Bajpayee is playing a vital role in the film. Rakul is currently busy with the promotional events of the movie. Even though if the team members are present or not Rakul is participating actively in the promotions.
The actress is trying to get into the spotlight with her different dressing style. She is posting her sexy pictures on social media and is giving an eye feast for the netizens. The fans are commenting that Rakul is looking more beautiful than in the movies. We have to wait a few more weeks to find out whether the movie will become a hit or not. This is the second film of Rakul in Bollywood actress and she has pinned all her hopes on this one.
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