This Delhi brought up Punjabi beauty appeared in some TV serials and debuted into the industry with Punjabi movie Channa Mereya. This movie which came out as the remake of Marathi superhit film Sairat not only became a big hit but also brought Filmfare for Payal. Now, she is going to greet the Telugu audience with the upcoming movie RX100. The makers of the movie recently unveiled the trailer of the film and we can say that the glamour show of this stunning beauty became one of the highlights of the film. Despite appearing in a traditional look in the trailer of the movie, Payal Rajput is posting some extremely hot pictures of her on social media which are indirectly stating that she is ready for glamour show.
OMG: New Beauty Is Becoming Tollywood Sensation
This Delhi brought up Punjabi beauty appeared in some TV serials and debuted into the industry with Punjabi movie Channa Mereya. This movie which came out as the remake of Marathi superhit film Sairat not only became a big hit but also brought Filmfare for Payal. Now, she is going to greet the Telugu audience with the upcoming movie RX100. The makers of the movie recently unveiled the trailer of the film and we can say that the glamour show of this stunning beauty became one of the highlights of the film. Despite appearing in a traditional look in the trailer of the movie, Payal Rajput is posting some extremely hot pictures of her on social media which are indirectly stating that she is ready for glamour show.
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