Daggubati Rana has made his debut in Tollywood through the movie Leader and after that he did not do proper projects and the few he did bombed at the box office. Hence Rana started doing important characters and focused on Bollywood and later he signed Bahubali. Immediately after he signed Bahubali, Patas director Ravi Ravipudi approached Rana to do this film but he left it as he had to remove the moustache and beard which he grew for Bahubali . . .
Daggubati Rana was actual Patas Hero
Daggubati Rana has made his debut in Tollywood through the movie Leader and after that he did not do proper projects and the few he did bombed at the box office. Hence Rana started doing important characters and focused on Bollywood and later he signed Bahubali. Immediately after he signed Bahubali, Patas director Ravi Ravipudi approached Rana to do this film but he left it as he had to remove the moustache and beard which he grew for Bahubali . . .
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