Actor Shivaji acted in Telugu movies as a hero and also as a character artist. Shivaji will disappear when his role in movies end with a scene or few and he is repeating the same even in politics also. Shivaji will take up an issue and get in to limelight and at the same breath he will leave that issue and take up another one. Now shivaji is conducting round table conferences demanding special status to AP and he released a video of his on the issue . . .
I Will Fight for Andhra Pradesh Special Status : Actor Shivaji
Actor Shivaji acted in Telugu movies as a hero and also as a character artist. Shivaji will disappear when his role in movies end with a scene or few and he is repeating the same even in politics also. Shivaji will take up an issue and get in to limelight and at the same breath he will leave that issue and take up another one. Now shivaji is conducting round table conferences demanding special status to AP and he released a video of his on the issue . . .
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