A lot of stories, hungama have been created over Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone's creation of 'My Choice' video which has focussed on women's empowerment. There are so many people including celebs, who have expressed their opinions on it. Tollywood multitalented personality, Manchu Lakshmi is one of the strongest women entrepreneur. She has participated in lot of the events based on womenfolk. She has proved her wit and humour number of times on the women empowerment issue. Watch her commenting over the issue.
Manchu Lakshmi's Opinion on my Choice Video - Opinion on Women Empowerment
A lot of stories, hungama have been created over Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone's creation of 'My Choice' video which has focussed on women's empowerment. There are so many people including celebs, who have expressed their opinions on it. Tollywood multitalented personality, Manchu Lakshmi is one of the strongest women entrepreneur. She has participated in lot of the events based on womenfolk. She has proved her wit and humour number of times on the women empowerment issue. Watch her commenting over the issue.
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