Ramesh, employed as a conductor, had developed illicit relationship with another woman ignoring the concerns of his wife and children. On a tip off, the wife along with her children and relatives have attacked both Ramesh and the other woman named Priyadarshini, who was with him. Ramesh has tried to kill her wife with scissor. In the process, she got hurt and was admitted into the Karimnagar hospital.
Watch the visuals of wife and other family members beating Ramesh.
Ramesh, employed as a conductor, had developed illicit relationship with another woman ignoring the concerns of his wife and children. On a tip off, the wife along with her children and relatives have attacked both Ramesh and the other woman named Priyadarshini, who was with him. Ramesh has tried to kill her wife with scissor. In the process, she got hurt and was admitted into the Karimnagar hospital.
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