In the midst of all the euphoria for gaining statehood, the new Telangana government may have created the state emblem wrong. This comes as a bit of surprise but then a closer look reveals a goof up may have occurred.
Sources say that new Telangana emblem lacks the inscription of ‘Satyameva Jayate’ in Devanagari script below Emperor Ashoka’s Lion Capital as it has to be there by rule and hence it is reportedly being called objectionable and needs to be corrected immediately.
Haryana-based activist Naresh Kadyan has reportedly lodged a complaint with the Ministry of Home Affairs yesterday saying that newly created Telangana emblem is wrong which is a violation under the State Emblem of India (Prohibition of Improper Use) Act 2005.
The ministry has reportedly accepted the complaint and is actively reviewing it, since an incomplete display of the emblem is a violation of the State Emblem of India (Prohibition of Improver Use) Act, 2005.
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