Sidharth, who hasn't had a recent success in Telugu film industry, is majorly focusing on Tamil films. Sidhu, who was last seen in Jabardast 3 years back, wanted to make a sequel of Bommarillu. After breakup with Samantha, he has got another blow in the form of Genelia refusing to do Bommarillu sequel. Sidhu revealed his plan to make sequel of Bommarillu with producer Dil Raju who was ready to take up the project. But Genelia, who is making a re-entry, rejected Sidhu's offer.
Genelia refuses to do Bommarillu Sequel
Sidharth, who hasn't had a recent success in Telugu film industry, is majorly focusing on Tamil films. Sidhu, who was last seen in Jabardast 3 years back, wanted to make a sequel of Bommarillu. After breakup with Samantha, he has got another blow in the form of Genelia refusing to do Bommarillu sequel. Sidhu revealed his plan to make sequel of Bommarillu with producer Dil Raju who was ready to take up the project. But Genelia, who is making a re-entry, rejected Sidhu's offer.
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