A 22-year-old student hailing from Prakasam District was killed in a car accident in Texas state of the United States of America. The deceased has been identified as Shailendra Harsha pursing MS in Lanmar University, Texas. The accident took place on Wednesday when Shailendra was travelling in a car with one of his friends, Deepak.
According to preliminary reports, Sailendra Harsha was driving the car and suddently lost control and crashed it into road divider. Sailendraharsha said to have died on the spot. His friend Deepak sustained serious injuries and he has been shifted to a nearby hospital.
Sailendra Harsha’s father Vijaykumar works as an Assistant Engineer with the Panchayatraj Department in Maddipadu. ”My son had completed B.Tech from the Malla Reddy College of Engineering and Technology in Hyderabad. The tragedy occurred when the whole family was eagerly expecting him to complete his MS course and settle in life”, said his father unable to control his emotions.
Parents and relatives of Sailendraharsha are in great shock after hearing this news.

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