Power Star Pawan Kalyan has lost his die-hard fan on Wednesday morning in the gruesome and horrendous Volvo bus tragedy which is bound to Hyderabad from Bangalore. The private bus got caught in fire when its diesel tank burst after hitting a culvert near Palem in Mahabubnagar district at 4.50 A.M. Though there are only 33 names on official passenger list, it is reported that many had boarded the bus in the last minute increasing the number of deaths and causalities. 

Karnataka 'Mega Fans' president Kotte Venkatesh Yadav too boarded this ill-fated bus along with his sister. It is reported that the duo burnt alive.

Most of the passengers were asleep when the tragic incident took place. The official death toll is 44. Mahbubnagar district collector Girija Shankar confirmed the news. 51 passengers were on board  though seat capacity is only for 42. Cops said that all bodies were charred beyond recognition. 29 bodies were found at the rear end of the bus indicating that the passengers had tried to rush to the door. The bus had an automatic locking system which worked against the passengers who tried to escape. However, driver, cleaner and five other passengers had a miraculous escape from the tragic incident. Forensic teams are in job.

Meanwhile, police forces are deployed outside Jabbar Travels office at Lakdi Ka Pool in Hyderabad.
These are the helpline numbers: 9494600100, 08542-245927, 245930, 245932. 

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