Koratala Siva is helming this project whereas Mahesh is playing the role of Chief Minister in the film. Recently, Mahesh took a short break from the shooting and went on a vacation with his family. As soon as he returned, he has kept his entire focus on the movie. As per the reports, Koratala Siva made the script with not only politics but also other interesting elements. The love track in his movies like Srimanthudu, Mirchi have impressed the audience a lot. Bollywood beauty Kiara Advani is playing the lady love of Mahesh in the film. Sources informed that the love story between the leads will be interesting in this movie as well.
In political movies, there is much scope for Sattires and punch dialogues. So Director Koratala has kept special attention to the dialogues and gave good dialogues that suit the style of artists. Prakahs Raj, Rao Ramesh, Sarath Kumar, Posani Krishna Murali, Devaraj are playing vital roles as politicians in the movie. After the unexpected failure of Spyder, Mahesh has pinned all his hopes on this upcoming project.
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