Beautiful actress Anu Emmanuel debuted into the Tollywood industry with Natural star Nani's Majnu movie. The actress has impressed with the audience with her outstanding performance and glamour show. Eversince she got selected to play the female lead, Powerstar Pawan Kalyan's Agnathavasi movie, she has become a hot topic in the industry.

As per the latest flash, the actress has changed a lot after becoming the heroine of Agnathavasi. The changes are clearly visible in terms of for her beauty. In her previous movie, she used to be somewhat bubbly, but after Agnathavasi shooting Anu is grabbing the attention with her slim body. She looked very beautiful in audio launch event of the movie as well. Recently the actress has got the attention of the youth with her sexy stills.

Anu Emmanuel flaunted her back beauty during the shopping mall opening. The pictures went viral on social media and the netizens are commenting that the actress has become more beautiful after Agnathavasi and if the movie becomes a hit then she will become a star in the industry. Amidst the expectations, Agnathavasi is getting up with the silver screens on January 10th.

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