Digging into the story, Suriya entered the Sankranti race with his Gang movie and started the promotional activities. Even though the movie has not gained the expected outcome, the actor has is still continuing the promotional acts and is going to the theatres without getting disappointed. The female lead Keerthi Suresh also tagged him along to Rajamahendravaram. The duo reached a theatres in there, thanked the fans and also talked to them about the film. But after knowing that Suriya is in the town so many people came to meet and surrounded him. So, after completing the success meet in the theatre as there are so many people it has become trouble for Suriya to get out.
Surya attempted to get out of the theatre from back gate but as the theatre management doesn't expect that Surya will exit from the back gate they haven't opened it. But Surya instantly jumped the gate, got into his vehicle and went away. But the fans didn't stay calm. They captured the moment in their phones and the photos now went viral on the internet
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