'Inner engineering for Joyful Living' programme taken up by AP Government for Ministers, Collectors, Commissioners, Officers and their families costed the state exchequer to the tune of Rs 1.8 crore. While the Breakfast which include 1 idli, a banana and a glass of milk costs Rs 450 per plate, the Lunch (curry-rice combo) costs Rs 1,350 per plate. This development took place just 2 days after a circular was passed by Finance Minister asking all the departments to stop payments due to financial crisis.
AP Government calls this 3-day programme 'Inner engineering for Joyful Living' conducted at Novotel Hotel (Madhapur) in the best interest of its working staff 'Yoga With A Difference'. Spiritual Guru Jaggi Vasudev was invited for the sessions which were participated by over 80 percent of the Government Machinery.
Although instructions were passed to the participants asking them to have only one plate each, At least half of them couldn't control their appetite and a minister even asked his secretary to brings few food packets to home.
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